Policies and Procedures

Course Enrolment


Who can enrol

Students must be 19 years or older on or before 31st August prior to the start of the course.


Enrolment policy

When courses are opened for enrolment, all enrolments are taken on a 'first-come, first-served' basis and can only be processed with payment and when all of the relevant documentation and evidence has been provided.


COVID testing will no longer be required to attend classes. However, we strongly suggest if you do have symptoms of Covid-19, you do not attend your class and follow guidelines found on www.NHS.uk.


We ask individuals to continue to respect the personal choices of their tutor and fellow students.





Most students are expected to contribute to their course fees. Some courses receive funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), and these can be offered at a reduced rate to eligible learners. Please note other providers may offer these courses with alternative funding at a reduced rate.


Methods of payment



Telephone enrolments can only be processed with payment by Credit/Debit card.


Learners can choose to pay their course fees in instalments by standing order with payments structured as follows:



Learners electing to pay by standing order will be liable for the full cost of the course. Should they withdraw from the course for any reason other than medical, they will be liable to pay the course fee in full.



Reduced fees


Reduced fees are only available on courses that receive funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and students who apply for reduced fees will be checked for eligibility at the start of their course. Eligibility for reduced course fees will be subject to the student providing proof of being in receipt of one of the following means-tested benefits depending on the type of course as follows:



Courses leading to an examination


Students are eligible to a free course if they do not yet hold a Grade C / Level 4 or above in the relevant qualification.


Unemployed students in receipt of a benefit may be eligible for funding. Please contact the ACRES' Office on 01825 761820 for details


A learner who is unemployed is defined for funding purposes as an unemployed learner where one or more of the following apply:


Explore our courses

GCSE & Functional Skills
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
First Aid
Professional Development
Art, Media & Music
Creative Skills & Knowledge
Health, Fitness & Wellbeing
Saturday Workshops