Watercolour Landscapes (UC09L33F)
Watercolour Landscapes - Emma Jones, tutor
Course overview
Capture landscapes in watercolour. Learn new and/or improve watercolour techniques. The activities will enable you to create a collection of small studies. There will be advice and support about watercolour materials and also ideas and guidance on how you could combine studies to create more complex compositions.
Where Newick Village Hall, 2 Western Rd, Newick, Lewes, BN8 4LF.
Friday, 09:30am - 12:00pm from 7th June 2024 until 5th July 2024 for 5 weeks.
The full fee is £92.00.
The concessionary fee is £49.00.
What you already need to know
This course is suitable for complete beginners or those who have some experience and wish to build on their existing skills.
What you will learn
With the tutor you will explore:
- Colour theory and useful colour combinations
- Using different types of washes, and how to layer paint
- A selection of different compositional layouts
- How to create a variety of marks and effects using different techniques
- Perspective techniques to create a sense of distance and depth
- Creating your own composition and interpretations within a painting
How you will learn it
- Tutor-led tuition and demonstration
- Hands-on practice of skills
- Exploration and discussion of other artists and techniques used to achieve their finished works.
- Self, tutor and group reviews and feedback using a secure online platform (Padlet) to share resources and track your progress.
Bring to the first session
Materials and items you will need to do the course
- Watercolour paints in tubes or pans in a box. If possible bring a variety of warm and cool reds, blues and yellows, for example, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue, Cadmium Yellow, Lemon Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, and Cadmium Red. Some earth colours such as Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber are also useful.
- A selection of soft brushes suitable for use with watercolour paints.
- A drawing pencil, B/2B, and an eraser.
- A water container.
- Sheets of 300gsm watercolour paper
- A board for taping work to (optional)
- A table easel (optional)
- Masking fluid (optional)
To avoid unnecessary cost please do not purchase any materials or textbooks until you are certain that your course will run. Course decisions are normally made a week prior to the course start date. Please contact the office for details.
Extra study or practice
You may wish to spend time practising skills and techniques between classes.
How to enrol
You can enrol by phoning ACRES' House on
01825 761820 on Monday to Friday between 9:30 am and 4 pm. Alternatively, to register your interest in a course please email
adultlearning@acres.org.uk with the course title and your contact details and a member of the team will call you back to enrol you on your chosen course.
Additional Course Information
- Concessionary/reduced fees, are available to students in receipt of certain means-tested benefits on some courses.
- Course fees over £139, can be paid in one single payment at enrolment or in instalments by Standing Order where applicable.
- Fees and payment options: See the Financial Support page.
- Other course related information: See the Policies & Procedures page, or contact the ACRES office.
Next steps within this subject with ACRES
ACRES offers a variety of art and craft courses both online and face-to-face in local venues and colleges. Please check the ACRES website for up-to-date information on all of our upcoming courses.
Future steps beyond ACRES
Find out about other courses with the
National Careers Service for opportunities to extend your skills and knowledge.
Further information
Please visit the
ACRES website, see our brochure, or alternatively contact a member of the team on 01825 761820.